Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Some More Python 3000 Questions Answered

Guido van Rossum answers some more Python 3000 FAQs on this forum

Some of the questions:

Q. Will Python 3000 have feature X (which has not been proposed yet)?

Q. Will implicit string concatenation be removed in Python 3000? (I.e., instead of ("a" "b") you'd have to write ("a" + "b").)

Q. Will the binary API for strings be standardized in Python 3000? (Depending on a compile-time switch, Unicode strings use either a 2-byte wide or 4-byte wide representation.)

Q. Why isn't the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) recursive?

Q. Will we be able to use statements in lambda in Python 3000?

Q. Will Python 3000 require tail call optimization?

Q. Will Python 3000 provide "real" private, protected and public?

Q. Will Python 3000 support static typing?

Q. Why doesn't str(c for c in X) return the string of concatenated c values?

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