Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Help with fixing the last 11 unit tests that are still failing for Python 3000

Guido van Rossum writes:

Please help! Here's the list of failing tests:

test_ctypes: Recently one test started failing again, after Martin changed

PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize() to use UTF8 instead of Latin1.

test_email, test_email_codecs, test_email_renamed: Can someone contact the email-sig and ask for help with these?

test_minidom: Recently started failing again; probably shallow.

test_sqlite: Virgin territory, probably best done by whoever wrote the code or at least someone with time to spare.

test_tarfile: Virgin territory again (but different owner :-).

test_urllib2_localnet, test_urllib2net: I think Jeremy Hylton may be close to fixing these, he's done a lot of work on urllib and httplib.

test_xml_etree_c: Virgin territory again.

Get all the details here: http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=211842

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